That was a joke.
But I'm going to post something ridiculous anyway.
The pictures aren't the funny part, because the story is rather absurd. The comical part is the drawings themselves, and their clear representation of my total lack of artistic ability. I had to draw (or attempt, rather) a storyboard of 8 frames or more (I drew 12; these are only the first 4) for the story we just finished reading as an assignment for British Literature.
So, here.

Guess I've drawn severed heads now too...sort of.
Dude!!! This is awesome!! You have some artistic, comedic, and gory talent! Nice coloring job too. I always have enjoyed bubbling, bloody bodies.
You should post the rest, because the story could go at least eight different ways after this!
Yeah, I drew my pictures with sharpie and then realized that I'd essentially made a coloring book. There was no way I couldn't color it in after that :P
I'll post the rest once I get it back from my English teacher, but I should warn you that not only does the story get seriously complicated, the already-bad drawing gets steadily worse.
Thanks for commenting :)
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